Sunday, November 4, 2012

Scooby Fever Takes Me Back to Spain

Scooby Fever =
When You Fall in Love with Scooby, You Must Return Again and Again and Again......
So excited! :-) Returning to volunteer at Scooby in Medinal de Campo, Spain.  Leaving on 11/10/12 and returning on 11/19/12, which means that I'll be at Scooby on 11/11 for 7 days visiting the lovely animals and people.

Yay! I finally get to meet Melissa and Hacinta!
The timing for this trip was another bit of serendipity. Melissa Beamish, my hero volunteer, whom I wrote about in my last blog posting, learned that her beloved Hacinta is still at Scooby.  So she was able to work things out to return to Scooby to volunteer for a month. Will be meeting up with Melissa, and we'll be working together to take care of the wonderful animals at Scooby. She's already there, working tirelessly to take care of the precious ones that we love. I so admire her strength, courage and heart for taking care of the neediest of animals at this shelter, as well as the others she has and will be working with during the coming months. I cannot wait to meet Melissa, her Hacinta, and to meet and greet all of the oldies and newbies at Scooby.  We may be two of the only non-Scooby staff and non-local volunteers there at this time, but one never knows because others show up unexpectedly.  No matter... it will certainly be an adventure and delight, as always.

Wah! I missed my UK Scoobettes!

Sad to say that I just missed my lovely UK Scoobettes, Heather, Jacqui, Ellie, and Lucinda by a few short days. :-( Had volunteered with Heather, Jacqui and Lucinda the first two times that I visited, so this is this is my first non-UK-Scoobette visit ever. Wah! I love these folks and will miss them so much. My bright shining star on this visit will be Melissa, who is one of the most noble of animal volunteers ever.

Upon the advice of my fellow Scoobettes, am taking the train from Madrid to Medina del Campo, which takes about two hours. The Scooby sanctuary is only about five minutes from the train station, so someone there will pick me up, or I'll take a cab. 
Scooby "Dorm" - Photo from my first stay.
Used to be the store too. Bunk beds make you feel like a kid again. Comfy digs!

Will be staying there in the dorm and on-site for the entire time, which I like to call, "total Scooby immersion". Will be sleeping next to the quarantine quarters and hearing the, "Song of the Galgos" many times during the day and night. In fact, will bring ear plugs, just in case. ;-)

Melissa is staying in the caravan nearby, so I'm sure we'll have some great talks about her travels as we work together, and especially while caring for the animals and making dog food lasagna (layers of cat food and bread -- yes, we *always* need more dog food folks).

Scooby Medina del Campo Sanctuary
Planning out all of the logistics to make sure things go smoothly. Already half-way packed for the trip.  Taking supplies: leads, collars, antiseptics, and other medical and people supplies from Nan Wallace, fellow Scooby volunteer (thank you so much), a couple of good pooper scoopers (always in dire need), bandages, rubber gloves, and other supplies which will be left at Scooby.  My husband, Darrell, has optimized and adjusted everything to make sure it all fits in my suitcase. Will be taking a Gargantua suitcase for the supplies, which must only weigh 50 lbs. or less, plus my clothing in a smaller bag and my backpack.
Suppose I'll Look Like Carrot Top with My Giant Suitcase Full of Scooby Supplies ;-)
It is Fall/Winter there at around 40-50 degrees during the day and in the 30's at night, so I'll be packing warm layers of clothing. (My years of growing up in Michigan will pay off here for preparations weather wise!) Bought a new pair of rubber boots to leave there, and nice new pair of rain-proof pants and jacket to wear over my performance clothes, as well as hats, gloves and warm socks. Ready for the elements, and expecting cold, wet weather including snow. If the sun shines, will consider it to be a great blessing. To avoid hassles and pick-pockets in the Madrid Metro, I'll probably take a cab from the airport to the train station.  On the return, I'll probably take the train to the Metro to the airport, as I'll be unencumbered.

Have a new iPhone 5, so planning to take lots and lots of photos and videos, and will try to send you all daily updates, as I know that I wait on pins and needles for updates from others when they visit. I will try to be the best "roving Scooby reporter" possible. Lord willing, the AT&T and Scooby WiFi networks will hold out. ;-)

Will provide another update before I leave.  If you have special loved ones at Scooby that you want to see in photos and/or want to give special hugs and kisses, please let me know.

Hasta Luego! Thank you for reading my blog! More to follow. Bless sends her blessings.

Our gorgeous Galga, Bless!

Please support Scooby!
Know an organization that will donate dog food? Please let me know.

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