Margie Hugs & Brushes a Very Silly & Happy Scooby Galgo
Back to One of My Favorite Places at My Favorite Time of Year
It's way past time to finish my story about the Spring 2015 trip to Scooby Medina del Campo and 112 Carlota Galgos; especially since I am leaving in just about 48 hours to travel back to Scooby again to do my regular Fall/Winter volunteer work.
Once I arrived in Madrid, after visiting Marie in Germany, I met Mora at the airport. Her flight had arrived just before mine.
My Dear Friend and Travel Companion, Mora, Hugging a Lovely Scooby Galgo
We secured our rental car and headed out for Medina del Campo, just over an hour Northwest of Madrid. It was an easy drive, and the trip seemed so short this time. Weather was perfect, in the high 70's F. We first stopped at our favorite Medina Hotel Reina Isabel to check in and leave our bags. Everyone is always so kind to us there and the rooms are clean and comfortable. I highly recommend it.
Stayed at the Hotel Reina Isabel in Medina del Campo - Here's the Son of the Proprietor and His Adopted Scooby Dog - Great Hotel and Very Nice People - Perfect Location, Clean and Comfortable |
We made our first stop at Aldi's (grocery store), which is very near the hotel and close to Scooby. Picked up our supplies for the week and lots of sausages and treats for the dogs --then on to Scooby! (Side shopping note: Later in the week, Mora and I hit the jackpot at the Chinese store in town, where we were able to find many other needed supplies, such as pooper scoopers, poop buckets and water bowls. Such kind people running the store and great prices, should you need supplies.)
When we pulled up in the driveway, the first person that we saw taking care of the dogs and cats in front, was dear friend, Melissa Beamish. I hadn't seen Melissa in two years, so it was a special reunion.
Dear Friend and Super Volunteer Melissa Beamish (UK) Pets Harry Mary, Who Now Lives in a Home in France |
Not only that, but my other Scoobettes were there from the UK and Holland. We had lunches and dinners together and caught up on many things. We even had a chance to meet with Fermin Perez, Scooby founder, to discuss how best to help the shelter.
Lunch with My Scooby Peeps - Mora (USA), Scoobettes (UK) and Debbie (Holland) - Love them all :-) |
My Scooby Peeps: Scooby Vets (Spain), Scoobettes (UK), Debbie (Holland), Mora and Me (USA)
Debbie (Holland) is a Groomer by Profession - She Selects the Scooby Dogs Who Need the Most Attention and Makes them Beautiful :-)
As always, there were many Galgos, mixed breed dogs, puppies, cats, kittens and other animals to love and enjoy during this visit. Mora and I were in our glory petting, hugging, kissing, brushing and giving treats. We spent extra special time with the five Galgos that we were to bring to the USA. We had three that were to be picked up at JFK in NYC, and two traveled with us to California for adoption.
The weather was excellent during our entire visit. Some of the Galgos were such clowns. It's always entertaining to be around so many animals that are so very happy to see you and to get human attention and love. Most of them crave it, but there are also the shy, scared babies that won't even come near, and shake when you do so. :-(
A Gaggle of Scooby Galgos - One of My Favorite Things in the World! :-) |
This is One of the Goofiest Galgos I've Ever Met - He Loves to Smile and Bites Your Bum if You Don't Pay Attention to him - He is Already in a Loving Home in Europe :-)
Damian and Friend - Two Very Frightened Galgos Who Just Wanted to Melt into the Ground - Heaven Only Knows What They've Endured :-(
Run Free My Beloved
Sadly, since our visit, two beloved Scooby icons have passed -- Austin (one of the patio dogs) and Gabriela (the biggest girl with the hugest heart). I am sad to know that I will not see them when I visit in a few days.
Austin (above) and Gabriela (below) - We Lost Both of these Scooby Icons, This Past Year :-( |
Bringing Five Galgos Back to the USA
Many thanks to Pablo, Scooby staff, for bringing the five Galgos to us at the airport for transport to the USA. Once again, we experienced drama. American Airlines tried to reroute our flight through London, which does not allow dogs to travel in and out due to quarantine. We had to renegotiate our tickets to travel to JFK, since three of the dogs were to be left there, and then on to San Francisco for the other two. Mora worked with the staff to get everything re-arranged, and it worked out fine. Very long and stressful morning trying to get everything worked out!
The good news is that all five Galgos made the trip well and are in their forever homes in the USA and Canada: Evangelina, Morena, Pepe, Damian and Zamarona. Truly rewarding experience! (Note: Morena and Pepe were fostered and adopted through the partnership between Scooby and Greyhound Friends for Life, San Francisco Bay Area, CA.)
Five Scooby Galgos at the Madrid Airport, Waiting for Their Trip to Their Forever Homes in the USA and Canada |

Evangelina, Sweet and Petite - Now in a Loving Home in Pennsylvania
Morena, Serene and Elegant - Now in a Loving Home in California (Thank you, Greyhound Friends for Life)
Pepe - Funny, Energetic and Full of Love - Now in a Loving Home in San Francisco (Thank you, Greyhound Friends for Life) |
Damian - So Very Shy and Afraid - Now in a Loving Home in Canada |
Zamarona - A Refined Lady - One of the Most Beautiful Galgo/Podenco Mixes I've Ever Seen - Now Living in a Loving Home in Pennsylvania
Day Trip to 112 Carlota Galgos in Malaga
Mora and I took a train to Malaga to visit 112 Carlota Galgos. Char and her family have been in their new finca for several months now. It is absolutely lovely! She and Dioni have worked so hard to move everything from their former place to the new location, and the new digs are fabulous. Everything has their loving touch and special attention to detail. There are multiple shelter buildings, hand built. Each dog has his/her designated bed, coats, blankets, toys, and the shelters even have lovely art work that was thoughtfully chosen for display. They take the neediest of needy Galgos, help them heal (mind, body, soul), and then work with carefully selected adoption groups to place them in great homes. She and her family are such beautiful souls inside and out to do this work.
112 Carlota Galgos in Malaga - Mora (USA), Dioni and Char (Malaga) are the Angels Who Rescue the Neediest of Needy Galgos (and Podencos)
112 Carlota Galgos - Mora and Char Discuss Plans for the New Spacious Finca |
112 Carlota Galgos - Mora with Sweet Francesca, a Podenco Puppy Who Melted our Hearts - She Now Lives in a Happy Home with a Veterinarian who not only Corrected the Issues with her Spine, but also Adopted Her :-)
Char and Dioni Built These Comfy Shelters for the Galgos that they Rescue - Each One has Art Work and all of the Comforts of the Forever Homes that they will Eventually go to Once Adopted
Fall 2015 Visit to Scooby in a Few Days
I'm heading back to soulville for several days. This time, I'll be traveling alone, staying a few nights in Madrid and the rest in Medina. I'll fly to Madrid via Amsterdam and then the reverse upon return. Planning to bring two dogs, if everything works out. Fingers crossed!
Meet Stewie - I Plan to Bring Him to His Forever Home in California at the End of November, 2015 |
Meet Guelo - I Hope to Bring Him to California to be Adopted through Greyhound Friends for Life |
Thank you for reading my blog!
Stay tuned for more updates regarding my upcoming adventures in Spain!