Air Transportation
Diane, the Scooby Volunteer Coordinator, said that they generally use Delta Airlines for transporting the Galgos back to the USA from Spain. They have been very good about their pricing, accommodations and treatment of the dogs. There is a window of time for transporting the Galgos by air, and that is 9/15-5/15. After that window, the weather is too hot and too risky for travel in the cargo area. The other restriction is that each plane can only take a maximum of six dogs at one time. This requires careful coordination, as we have to travel from Madrid to either JFK in NYC or Altanta for clearing US Customs. Otherwise, the connections are to other European cities, such as Paris or Amsterdam, and then to the USA.
Was fortunate to get my ticket with Delta for a very good price, and was able to use my Am Ex travel points to purchase. The trip is from SFO -> JFK -> Madrid, and the return is the reverse. I'll meet up with Diane at JFK, who is coming from VA. She's also volunteering and bringing back dogs for adoption. I'm bringing back another dog for adoption, and he will be picked up at JFK.
A Long Journey for the Galgo
Once the Galgo is put into the travel carrier for transport in Madrid, she will be locked in until she arrives at her final destination. That means that my dog will have to travel from Madrid through JFK and then to SFO, spending approximately 17-20 hours in that carrier. I will meet her at US Customs at JFK to clear her through. She will have her own passport, medical clearance and paperwork, which will be attached to my ticket. She cannot be let out of that carrier no matter what. I'm buying puppy pads for the bottom of the carrier, and food dishes that can be attached inside for her. It concerns me that I have to leave the dog in that cage for so long, and it will be very stressful for her. :-( Hoping all will go well!
When I visited PetSmart to inquire about the cage and other supplies, the Sales Rep mentioned that they have cage inserts that you can purchase which omit pheromones to help settle the dog's nerves. I may try that. Can't hurt.
I'll purchase the pet carrier and other supplies next week, after I double check with Delta regarding cage size. Apparently, different sizes of airplanes have different sizes of cargo doors. I want to make certain the one that I buy is the correct size for my plane.
Other arrangements
When we arrive in Medina del Campo, we'll stay at the Scooby Medina Rescue Centre. They have an office building and some small trailers where we can sleep over. There's plenty of work to do there every day. More on that later!
Stay tuned!
Will provide another update with more details in the next few days.
Thank you for reading my blog. Please support Scooby!
Hasta luego!

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