Bones Looks So Sad and Sick - But.... He is a New Man Now!
Bones was rescued by Scooby from Murcia in the Spring of 2017. Of course, he was surrendered by his galguero, I guess. He was a horrific case of neglect, with Leishmania and was heart worm positive. They did the one month Leishmania treatment on him at Scooby, but his kidneys were compromised. They did not expect him to survive.
Enter Margie Easter, friends with super-hero volunteer, Melissa Beamish, in June 2017. Melissa introduces her special Bones to Margie and she falls deeply in love with him -- so much so that she left and decided to go back to Scooby to bring him home, if he could make the long journey to California, half-way around the World. Fermin had more blood tests run on Bones and I reviewed them with my local Vet to ensure that he could make the trip. He felt that they could truly help Bones, so I booked my ticket and returned in September to get my Boy!
Melissa is the One Who Saved My Bones for Me - Thank You! |
Journey to Scooby
Had a smooth flight on American Airlines from SFO to JFK and then on to Madrid. Took the train from Madrid to Medina del Campo and then a cab to the comfy Reina Isabel Hotel in Medina, freshened up and then Melissa fetched me from the hotel to Scooby.
Downtown Medina del Campo |
The first place we visited was Bones' pen in Quarantine #9. He remembered me! It was such a joyful reunion.
Melissa took me around to visit all of the dogs and shared their most interesting stories. I was tired because of the 9 hour time change, so she took me back to the hotel and I turned in early to get a good night's rest and to be ready for my first full day at Scooby.
Days at Scooby
I am Going Home!
Galgos All Ready to go to Forever Homes
Gorgeous and Friendly Brother and Sister |
Fantastic days at Scooby, working with Melissa and the other volunteers. Lots of loving for the dogs, cats and other animals, including visiting the farm horses, goats, sheep, cows, ducks, geese and perimeter dogs.
The Scooby Farm |
Special volunteers this visit included four ladies from Slovenia, two from Belgium and a couple from Switzerland. Everyone worked so hard and seemed to enjoy their experience at Scooby.
Bones is Spoiled by the Belgian Volunteers |
Bones Being Spoiled by the Slovenian Volunteers |
Nymeria: A Happy Story Resulting from My Blog :-)
Nymeria (was Linda) Now Lives a Grand Life in Vancouver, Thanks to this Blog! |
I met Linda (now Nymeria) in June 2017 on my Summer visit to Scooby. She had come with an older male galgo, Timon. Everyone assumed that he was her father, but who knows? He was very shy and she was a firecracker puppy, all full of joy and play. She looks to be a podenco mix and is gorgeous. Serendipitously, a woman in Vancouver found and read my entire blog. She so wanted to adopt a Scooby dog, and she specifically selected Linda for adoption. We spoke on the phone. I told her about Scooby and the adoption process and she was determined to get her girl. During my June visit, I spoke with Fermin about her wanting to adopt her in Vancouver. There was a good chance that she would have gone to Holland within the week, but with the Canadian contacts, lots of effort from the adoption Mom (even a GoFundMe) and other things, Linda, now Nymeria, lives happily in her home in Vancouver, B.C. I could not be happier about the outcome! (BTW - Timon still needs a home. He is an excellent boy. Check him out.)
Morena (now Lilly) Adopted by My Friend, Mora
Morena (now Lilly) - Selected by My Friend, Nancy, in June, Brought Her to California My Friend, Mora, Fostered and then Adopted Her |
Another happy story! When we were at Scooby in June, my friend, Nancy, selected this very sweet girl, Morena, and was determined to get her adopted. Since I was returning in September, she was the perfect choice to travel with Bones to California. Ended up that my friend, Mora, fostered and then adopted this girl and she is living the BIG life in her new home. So happy! :-)
Bones and Me
Here are gratuituous pictures of me and Bonesey at Scooby. I love him SO MUCH!
I Love Madrid!
Took the train from Medina to Madrid. Once again, I stayed two nights at one of my favorite hotels, the ME in Madrid. They even upgraded my room so that I had a view of the Plaza. Did a huge walk-about and thoroughly enjoyed every minute.
The Journey Home
On this trip, I flew American Airlines from Madrid to JFK to SFO. All went well! The young Steward at the JFK airport was golden. He even took us to a dog park so that I could take the dogs out to refresh them for the second leg of the trip to SFO. It was another very long day, but it was worth every single second to get two precious souls to their comfy and loving forever homes.
Thank you to to Scooby for saving these two lovely galgos. Thank you to Melissa for saving Bones for me. Thank you to Nancy for selecting the very special Morena/Lilly, and to Mora for adopting her. Thank you to Yoshi for saving Linda/Nymeria.
I may have great news about a possible linkage with UC Davis Vet School. Stay tuned!
I will be visiting Scooby again in late April to volunteer again with Nancy! Bones is doing fantastic! Cali Boy! Look at him!
Hasta Luego! Thank you for reading my blog. Bless sends her blessings! Sara sends smiles! Bones sends hugs and kisses!
Our gorgeous Galga, Bless! |
Our gorgeous Galga, Sara! |
Bones, Our Handsome Galgo |
Traveling to Spain? Consider becoming a Flight Angel and transporting dogs to the U.S.A.